Update: We can no longer host the download of Google Earth Pro for Windows 10 offline installer, as Google has a new privacy policy for downloading Google Earth, which users must consent to before downloading.

You can download Google Earth Pro for PC Windows 10 64bit or 32bit from here (link removed due to new Google privacy policy, please read update below). Since Google Earth is also available for desktop now, you can both download and use it right from your computer instead of having to open a browser to use it. Prior to the release of Google Earth Pro for Windows 10, the only way to use Google Earth was to use browsers that supported Adobe Flash player such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, or Internet Explorer, by visiting . However, high-resolution images are generally only available in large towns and populated towns, while sparsely populated or inhabited areas generally have lower quality images and graphics. Google Earth is free software developed by Google that allows you to view the Earth with high resolution images. It is far superior to basic static maps and older satellite imagery. The images can be so detailed that you can clearly see your house, car, and the people on the streets. Here’s how to download Google Earth for Windows 10 64-bit or 32-bit for free offline.

Instead of using Google Earth on a browser, you can download Google Earth Pro for Windows 10 and use Google Earth software directly from your Windows 10 PC desktop.